geeM - Solve Generalized Estimating Equations
GEE estimation of the parameters in mean structures with possible correlation between the outcomes. User-specified mean link and variance functions are allowed, along with observation weighting. The 'M' in the name 'geeM' is meant to emphasize the use of the Matrix package, which allows for an implementation based fully in R.
Last updated 7 years ago
5.04 score 3 stars 15 dependents 72 scripts 1.9k downloadstiteIR - Isotonic Designs for Phase 1 Trials with Late-Onset Toxicities
Functions to design phase 1 trials using an isotonic regression based design incorporating time-to-event information. Simulation and design functions are available, which incorporate information about followup and DLTs, and apply isotonic regression to devise estimates of DLT probability.
Last updated 6 years ago
1.00 score 2 scripts 118 downloads